Organization 6/25/23

as I come eventually, try put all These Posts together I think, is good Knowing some things About how to sorting.

Sort is way to make Things your own, even if All parts is already yours. Many people like decorating there Home, or Put all there Computer fials Together. Some there Books, and lots of Other thing and collection.

Organize your Stuff is way To connect more To it, is another Form of Create in a way where You change way Thing is placed or set up to How you like.

Beyond just phsyicel Object even, while You can have a Nice bunch of Rocks put into Colors, or Size, or even which one you like The most, more Abstract thing can be ordered and Organized too.

On the Conscious, maybe we will Deliberately do Things for the sake of Organization knowing That is what it is, but Sometimes even Unknow we will put Things in certain ways Wtihout even think About it.

Thoughts and Idea can be Organized maybe, time Too.. many People is "plan There day" some-times do This at this time, that At another. Sorting all These thing Delibertatley make Lot of feel More control of Themselves

organize Random is fun Idea, if is not of too much worth, Maybe you can find new fun things These ways, but it will be lot of Work to get Rid of if you want to Undo, so maybe just For silly Things

but, What is like Messy? well, not Everyone put Things together all Nisecly, while Everyone is Organize some way-or-Another, some Is much more Prone to do More for Themselves when it comes To putting Everything Together then Other.

Messy is not Bad, but maybe Undesired depend on How is way you are in. Enjoy what you are Given is Good sometimes, that Peoples with lots of Powerful organize Too much will maybe Break some things unintentionally. Messy is to Go with the World, but maybe is good to Try to stay away For some things, like Messy room is Not best sometimes, hard find Things and maybe Is easier to be Dirty

Yaa, is another way, finding All these Thing. is Big reason put Things together, then you can Find easier Later.

some PeoPPl is very Obsessive about these Sort of things, soo Much stuff even sisnsignifnact Must be put together Certain way or they will be Kind of uncomfortable, is want To see lot of things There way

WorlD is one to Put together things its way, so maybe that is Why lot of people Will like these Things so Much, is only Natural way, if around Us will do By its own its own, then Thing we own too maybe should be Our way.

stackeingg puzzle, big on bottom small one is top

Now maybe For some Organization tip I will try think Of

1: Maybe is good Idea for "Theme" think of Certain way all should Fit and try Stick to it even If little Shaky sometimes, but if is Too forced to be in Certain theme, then You will have Think up new Solution! Maybe make new Pile/*-/List/-*/Place to put, or just Maybe sub Group, or even maybe can Just bend a little bit. Lot of time You can figure These thing out Later too.

2: Label is good, you can tell What is distinction Between two things in Group you make. so If you put Bunch of music you Like together you can Put "For good spirit" on Some or "Calming", thing like that. Sometimes you can put Multiple label if you have lott of thing, then can be easier For Later Find.

3: If you are too Lazy, but still Want do some of these Things (if you are not is Okay always), maybe You can try find More passivist way To do, so While you do something Else, or while is not Anything else. You can try find way make it Fun too for motivate.

4: Some thing is Already organize For you, so is waste Of time put Together. see if somebody Else already Did for you sometimes, even If you want do yourself, maybe is "ShortCut" somebody make who try do before you.

someTimes i Struggle these Things, but is Good to know even if you aren't very good or don't like These things, so if You ever want to Then you can Know.

It is short today, but.. I will try make some other things. Next blog will be On the Seasons!